Infineo opens its customer area in March 2020

That’s it, it’s official ! Infineo, publisher of decision-making reporting software, opens its customer area, a new service, available 24/24 to facilitate communication with its network of resellers…

Business people shaking hands together

Infineo, decision-making reporting software publisher, is opening its first customer area, an online service, ensuring maximum proximity to its distribution network.
By providing the best support to their clients in their projects, the #Insiders wish to provide them with new dedicated services: the client area

This Customer Area, which facilitates exchanges with our support team, allows



Open incidents directly online 24/24 and 7/7
To supplement the incidents already recorded on the platform at any time by adding new information
Adding attachments


Many advantages :

All this information is saved in your file and taken into account immediately by our Support team *.
* On the opening hours of our service: Monday to Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (5:30 p.m. on Friday)
Thus, thanks to our new customer area, you will be able to be informed of the status and progress of your incident in real time.

This new customer area… A valuable tool for our distributors :

Our distributors will have access to all incidents of their customers as well as to current contracts.
They will also be able to view their customers’ license keys (in PDF format only)