Make way for the new year!
The Infineo teams wish you a happy new year 2021 … After the twists and turns we experienced in 2020, it’s time to tell you about our novelty: Datavisualization!

The year 2020 that we have known has been darkened by the news related to the pandemic but the colors of Infineo, for their part, have modernised … In 2020, we have left gray and green for blue and orange , dynamic colors, full of life and “peps”, just like our team.
This year, our entire graphic charter has evolved as well as our communication media.
And our approach did not stop there, since Infineo launched its new website in July 2020.
Our teams have adopted teleworking to develop new software products related to our Inside decision-making reporting solution. They have remained united, full of resources and above all have continued to support you relentlessly to provide you with quality support.
2021 … we waited for it! This new year is now within reach… It will be marked by the release of our new product: Dataviz…
We promised it to you, it is already in the pipes… We can’t wait to tell you about it!
Happy new year 2021 everyone!