Annual closure of Infineo offices 2020
Closure of the Infineo offices for the end of year celebrations!
We inform you, as every year, that the Infineo offices, including the customer support service, will be closed on the afternoons of Thursday 24 and 31 December from 12:30 p.m.
We wish you happy holidays and thank you for your understanding!
Almeria talks to you about Inside
Discover Inside, BI & reporting,
next October 29!
On the occasion of its annual event, Almeria’s Day,
our partner offers a rich and varied web demo program …
And provide a complete presentation of our Inside solution: BI & Reporting!

On October 29, Almeria is organizing its annual event during which teams will present our Inside software: BI and Reporting.
The opportunity to discover this solution implemented in Excel® which encompasses all the stages of reporting, from data collection to the sharing of information with defined employees.
What are Almeria’s Days?
This is an annual, digital event that presents modern and innovative solutions from the IT world…
What will happen on October 29 at Almeria?
From 8.45 am, you will be expected, on the dedicated platform, to participate in the Inside web demo, hosted by Thierry Caron, Account Manager at Infineo.
At the end of the web demo, the teams will answer all your questions!
Infineo signs a partnership with PBI Ouest
Infineo is proud to count PBI Ouest among its reseller partners
Infineo, editor of the Inside decision-making reporting software, enriches its list of reseller partners with the signing of PBI Ouest.
A long-time BI specialist, PBI Ouest wishes to continue its progress in the BI market by surrounding itself with reliable and complementary publisher partners to offer complete decision-making reporting solutions for VSEs, SMEs and mid-size companies.
PBI Ouest addresses all types of business sectors and offers its services on issues of data analysis, dashboards and reporting automation. Essentially present throughout the western part of France, this Nantes company focuses its activities on the Pays de la Loire region
PBI Ouest and Infineo have one thing in common: They are both used to working closely with the ecosystem of the publisher Sage and its resellers.
The Nantes reseller wanted to expand its skills and product offering by integrating our Inside Reporting software to:
- Open a new market segment for PBI,
- Its ease of deployment
- Its functional performance (Tailor-made table thanks to the Cell Assistant)
- Its intuitive aspect which makes the solution accessible to users by giving them more autonomy
- Its real-time calculations on data from the company's management information system
- Its saving of time thanks to the automation of tasks and calculations
- Its responsiveness in obtaining reliable and secure tables for better support for managers in decision-making support

Inside reporting testimonial: City One and its integrator Inforsud
Testimonial Inside reporting ... City One shares its experience
"We needed an easy-to-use tool, allowing us to analyse all the accounting and financial data. With Inside reporting, the time savings that we achieve is significant on all the analyses. installing this solution, we analyse all of this data in real time and very quickly ... "says Frédéric Bouquet, Accounting Director of the City One Group..
The challenges to be met…
The City One group has been working closely with Inforsud for nearly 15 years for the management and maintenance of their Sage FRP 1000Cloud accounting software.
City One was looking for a reporting tool capable of connecting to the already installed Sage FRP 1000Cloud solution. In addition, the choice of software would be based on its ease of use and the speed with which it could produce reporting tables.
As a final constraint, City One had to find a tool to harmonize data across all of the group's agencies.
“It only took a single day of deployment and 2 days of training for the 8 Inside reporting users to be self-sufficient." Says Frédéric Bouquet.
The choice of the partner Inforsud for the integration of Inside Reporting:
For more than 30 years Inforsud Diffusion has supported its clients in the optimization and performance of their information systems. This company with strong local roots has succeeded in establishing regional proximity with all of its customers. In 2017, Inforsud became a partner of Infineo and now offers the decision-making reporting solution: Inside.
Some figures from Inforsud:
- A historical player with more than 30 years of experience
- A turnover of more than 6 million Euros
- 58 employees spread over 3 sites (Toulouse, Albi and Rodez)
The benefits obtained with Inside Reporting:
This decision-making reporting solution allows City One to study the group's growth more quickly and more precisely. The easy-to-use Inside tool offers the ability to analyse all financial and accounting data in a minimum of time. Since the installation of this new decision-making reporting solution, developed by Infineo, the teams have saved a lot of time. Group management plans to expand their solution by integrating Human Resources data.